【A01: 実験・観測系(生物系)】
【B01: 実験・観測系(生態系・大気科学・気候)】
【C01: 情報解析・数理モデリング系】
The research scope in this field ranges from genes to ecosystems to climate. A multidimensional approach is necessary to effectively analyze the multilevel data obtained,and it is crucial to enrich areas beyond the capabilities of the research teams through participation in Publicly Offered Research. The followings are examples of the projects.
A01: Experimental and Monitoring Research (Biological Systems).This research focuses on observing plant phenological changes and stress tolerance in response to climate change and elucidating control mechanisms. It includes research on biosynthesis genes of terpene compounds and low molecular weight phenols related to BVOCs, as well as molecular mechanisms related to the accumulation and release of BVOCs, including methane. The project encourages proposals that analyze interactions between organisms and ecosystems, considering dynamic changes in gene expression. Additionally, it welcomes research that incorporates phytoclimatic feedback concepts into paleoclimatic and paleontological studies.
B01: Experimental and Monitoring Research (Ecosystem, Atmospheric Science, Climate). This research seeks six proposals related to phytoclimatic feedbacks driven by molecules other than BVOCs. It also includes ecosystem observation using innovative devices such as automated remote observation systems for species identification, biomass and phenology observation, and technology development to enhance BVOC and aerosol measurements. The projects encompass the development of advanced technologies for BVOC and aerosol measurement.
C01: Data Analyses and Modeling.This category focuses on data analysis and modeling and will accept five proposals. It seeks the development of new methods for analyzing large-scale, multilevel, and high-dimensional data. It also encourages the development of new biodiversity models that consider genetic diversity and theoretical research that mathematically models feedbacks between plants and climate to predict future scenarios. Since this category primarily involves data analysis and modeling, with no experimental expenses required, the maximum funding limit for applications is set at 2 million yen, lower than the other categories. In addition to BVOCs, research on other molecules, various plant species, and regions is also welcomed.